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Family Emergency Preparedness Video
Emergency Preparedness activity Book

Learn Fire Prevention
with Sparky!

FEMA emergency

Coming Soon

Amazing Grace

A downloadable Emergency Preparedness app for your smart phone that entertains and educates. With Global Warming escalating, Grace tm sets on a journey to rescue her colleagues from impending disasters around the world. Portion of the proceeds from the app will be directed to help with the U.N.'s SDG programs, the Special Olympics and various Knights of Columbus affiliated charities.

Get the FBI Child ID App
Put your child’s safety in your own hands
The FBI wants parents to be more prepared in the terrifying event of a missing or abducted child. Every parent's worst nightmare is their child's disappearance. Using the FBI's Child ID app is a precautionary measure parents can take to have information readily available for authorities in case the worst happens.
The app displays tips on keeping kids safe and a checklist of things to do in the worst-case scenario. The app outlines what to do in the first 24 hours and the next 48 hours, the most crucial time when a child is missing. Police and the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children can be contacted directly through the app.
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