Knights In Action
Background: The Council poses for a picture before taking part in the march in the 2019 North Arlington Memorial Day Parade.
CONGRATULATIONS TO THE 2020 Council Soccer Challenge winners!
Alyssa Sousa - 10 year Old Girls Champion
Christopher Sousa - 12 Year Old Boys Champion

CONGRATULATIONS TO THE 2020 Essay contest Winners!
Allison Altilio - Grade 12
Vivana Zacarias - Grade 8

Brother Joseph D. McGovern's family was named Supreme's Family of the Month for November from New Jersey. They received this honor due to their commitment to helping others, their charity, and their expression of faith as a family unit. Congratulations to Brother Joseph D. and family!

The Council's Giving Tree Project for the children of the First Cerebral Palsy School of New Jersey in Belleville was another first-rate accomplishment by our Brothers and friends of the Council. All 67 gifts were delivered to the school on Friday, December 15 in time for the children's Christmas Party. Many thanks to all who helped out. This was the 18th year of the Council's Giving Tree.

Coats for Kids Program
thanks to Brothers David Trzepla and Joe Cerreto, Maureen Trzepla, Kim Cerreto, and Marianne Mackey for helping to sort out the coats by sizes and delivering 98 coats to needy children before the storm.

Peter Briody named the New Jersey State K of C Knight of the Year
Peter joined the Council in 1999 (sponsored by PGK Rick DePrizio), and since then he has worked endlessly serving us with his time and devotion to the Order's principals.
He has held several positions, most notably as Grand Knight leading the Council for three years from 2002 to 2005. He has also acted as the Council Programs Director, Health Services Director, Recruitment Director, and Insurance Promotions. He in into his second three year term as our Financial Secretary, and does a super job in that vital position.
On a State Level, Peter has just about single-handedly revived and has tirelessly promoted the Squires and Squire Roses Youth Programs for boys and girls throughout the State for the past several years. He crisscrosses all over New Jersey, to towns with names like Blue Anchor and Maple Shade, to visit Councils that want to start these youth groups (the mileage he puts on his car you can't believe), and yet he finds time to still be active in our Council
Our congratulations, pride, and happiness for Peter and his family. He is indicative of the kind of members we have in the Council and should make us all proud to be Brothers in a great Council whose good works are recognized as they reach out into other communities beyond North Arlington!

The Keep Christ in Christmas Poster Contest winners are;
Ages 5 to 7 Division:
1st Place - Aaron Marques
2nd Place - Ava Branca-Boylan
Ages 8 to 10 Division:
1st Place - Robert Kearns
2nd Place - Victor Alicea-Mendez
Ages 11 to 14 Division:
1st Place - Diane Estrada
2nd Place - Gabriel Ramos.

2019 Spelling Bee Winners
from left to right
Luke Cheplic - 1st Place
Satvik Kunigiri - 2nd Place
Kaitlyn Hladek - 3rd Place

Joel A. Rodriguez, an eighth grader from Queen of Peace Grammar School, receives the Dr. Edward F. and Janet Taylor Eighth grade Scholarship Award from Grand Knight Bill Mackey.